Constructing trees

The @ast macro can be used to construct complex trees with relatively little effort, without having to construct and push all the Node instances yourself.

@ast markdown-node-expression

A macro that implements a simple domain specific language to easily and explicitly construct a Markdown AST.

The markdown-node-expression must be either:

  1. A Markdown element (i.e. some AbstractElement object), such as a constructor call (e.g. Paragraph()), function call returning an element, or a variable pointing to an element.

  2. A variable or an expression returning or pointing to a Node object, which will then get unlinked from its current tree and pushed as a child (together with all of its descendents).

  3. A do-block, with the function call part being an element (as above), and the contents of the do-block a sequence of other node expressions, i.e.

    element do

In practice, a simple example might look something like

@ast Document() do
    Heading(1) do
        "Top-level heading"
    Paragraph() do
        "Some paragraph text"

Strings are interpreted as Text(s) elements.
